Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

OSI Model

The OSI Reference Model is founded on a suggestion developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The model is known as ISO OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Reference Model because it relates with connecting open systems – that is, systems that are open for communication with other systems. OSI Model is a set of protocols that try to identify and homogenize the data communication practices. The OSI Model has the support of most computer and network vendors, many big customers, and most governments, including the United States. The OSI Model is a model that illustrates how data communications should take place. It segregates the process into seven groups, called layers. Into these layers are integrated the protocol standards developed by the ISO and other standards organization, including the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), formerly known as the CCITT (Comite Consultatif Internationale de Telegraphique et Telephone). The OSI Model affirms what protocols and standards should be used at each layer. It is modular, each layer of the OSI Model functions with the one above and below it.
The short form used to memorize the layer names of the OSI Model is “All People Seem To Need Data Processing”. The lower two layers are normally put into practice with hardware and software. The remaining five layers are only implemented with software. The layered approach to network communications gives the subsequent advantages: Reduced intricacy, enhanced teaching/learning, modular engineering, accelerated advancement, interoperable technology, and standard interfaces.

The Seven Layers of the OSI Model
The seven layers of the OSI model are:
  • Application (7)
  • Presentation (6)
  • Session (5)
  • Transport (4)
  • Network (3)
  • Data Link (2)
  • Physical (1)
The easiest way to remember the layers of the OSI model is to use the handy mnemonic "All People Seem To Need Data Processing":
  • Application All (7)
  • Presentation People (6)
  • Session See (5)
  • Transport T (4)
  • Network Nee (3)
  • Data Link Dat (2)
  • Physical Processin (1)
The functions of the seven layers of the OSI model are:
Layer Seven of the OSI Model
The Application Layer of the OSI model is responsible for providing end-user services, such as file transfers, electronic messaging, e-mail, virtual terminal access, and network management. This is the layer with which the user interacts.

Layer Six of the OSI Model
The Presentation Layer of the OSI model is responsible for defining the syntax which two network hosts use to communicate. Encryption and compression should be Presentation Layer functions.

Layer Five of the OSI Model
The Session Layer of the OSI model is responsible for establishing process-to-process commnunications between networked hosts.

Layer Four of the OSI Model
The Transport Layer of the OSI model is responsible for delivering messages between networked hosts. The Transport Layer should be responsible for fragmentation and reassembly.

Layer Three of the OSI Model
The Network Layer of the OSI model is responsible for establishing paths for data transfer through the network. Routers operate at the Network Layer.

Layer Two of the OSI Model
The Data Link Layer of the OSI model is responsible for communications between adjacent network nodes. Hubs and switches operate at the Data Link Layer.

Layer One of the OSI Model
The Physical Layer of the OSI model is responsible for bit-level transmission between network nodes. The Physical Layer defines items such as: connector types, cable types, voltages, and pin-outs.

The OSI Model vs. The Real World
The most major difficulty with the OSI model is that is does not map well to the real world! The OSI was created after many of todays protocols were already in production use. These existing protocols, such as TCP/IP, were designed and built around the needs of real users with real problems to solve. The OSI model was created by academicians for academic purposes. The OSI model is a very poor standard, but it's the only well-recognized standard we have which describes networked applications. The easiest way to deal with the OSI model is to map the real-world protocols to the model, as well as they can be mapped.

Layer Name Common Protocols
7 Application SSH, telnet, FTP
6 Presentation HTTP, SMTP, SNMP
5 Session RPC, Named Pipes, NETBIOS
4 Transport TCP, UDP
3 Network IP
2 Data Link Ethernet
1 Physical Cat-5
The difficulty with this approach is that there is no general agreement as to which layer of the OSI model to map any specific protocol. You could argue forever about what OSI model layer SSH maps to. A much more accurate model of real-world networking is the TCP/IP model:

TCP/IP Model
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Internet Layer
Network Interface Layer
The most significant downside with the TCP/IP model is that if you reference it, fewer people will know what you are talking about! For a better description of why the OSI model should go the way of the dodo, disco, and DivX, read Kill the Beast: Why the Seven-Layer Model Must Die. 2 nodes.
  1. For sending a packet or in more easy words we can say that Message to the intended Node we need its Address which would be globally known(i.e IP Address).Network Layer Protocols like IP(Internet Protocol)provides that information.
  2. Network Layer also helps in finding the best path to that destination node among the various available paths over the network in order to transmit the packet(Part of Complete Message) to the final Destination.
  3. Internet consists of various small-small Networks,if we 2 nodes are communicating over the Internet then in that we have to traverse various different Networks to finally get that particular node,In that case also Network Layer helps by taking information from one network and putting it on another network.

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Bandwidth VS Troughput

A Guide to Bandwidth and Throughput

Bandwidth and throughput are two networking concepts that are commonly misunderstood. System administrators regularly use these two concepts to help plan, design, and build new networks. Networking exams also include a few bandwidth and throughput questions, so brushing up on these two subjects is a good idea before exam day.

What is Bandwidth ?

You probably already have a fairly good idea on what bandwidth is. It is technically defined as the amount of information that can flow through a network at a given period of time. This is, however, theoretical- the actual bandwidth available to a certain device on the network is actually referred to as throughput (which we’ll discuss further on in this section). Bandwidth can be compared to a highway in many respects. A highway can only allow for a certain amount of vehicles before traffic becomes congested. Likewise, we refer to bandwidth as finite- it has a limit to its capability. If we accommodate the highway with multiple lanes, more traffic could get through. This also applies to networks- we could perhaps upgrade a 56K modem to a DSL modem and get much higher transfer speeds. Bandwidth is measured in bits per second (bps). This basic unit of measurement is fairly small, however, and you’ll more than likely see bandwidth expressed as kilobits, megabits, and gigabits.

units of bandwidth

Make sure you make the distinction between bits and bytes. A megabyte is certainly not the same as a megabit, although they are abbreviated quite similarly. Since we know there are 8 bits in a byte, you can simply divide the number of bits by 8 to find the byte equivalent (or to convert from bytes to bits, multiply by 8).

megabit megabyte

Lastly, it’s important to also make the distinction between speed and bandwidth. Bandwidth is simply how many bits we can transmit a second, not the speed at which they travel. We can use the water pipe analogy to grasp this concept further. More water could be transported by buying a larger pipe- but the speed at which the water flows is less affected.

The Difference between Throughput and Bandwidth

Although bandwidth can tell us about how much information a network can move at a period of time, you’ll find that actual network speeds are much lower. We use the term throughput to refer to the actual bandwidth that is available to a network, as opposed to theoretical bandwidth.
Several different things may affect the actual bandwidth a device gets. The number of users accessing the network, the physical media, the network topology, hardware capability, and many other aspects can affect bandwidth. To calculate data transfer speeds, we use the equation Time = Size / Theoretical Bandwidth.

bandwidth throughput

Keep in mind that the above equation is actually what we use to find the “best download.” It assumes optimal network speeds and conditions since we use theoretical bandwidth. So to get a better idea on the typical download speed, we use a different equation: Time = Size / Actual Throughput.

actual throughput

Organizational Memory

Controversies In OM
  • Can organizations be said to have memories, or is OM essentially anthropomorphism?
  • What is the relationship between the research fields of OM and KM?
  • Does OM reside in the minds of individual organizational members, or elsewhere?Is OM appropriately modeled in terms of static storage bins, or should it be treated as a dynamic socially constructed process?
  • How are OM systems operationalized?
  • Is OM functional or dysfunctional in terms of organizational performance and effectiveness?
Learning in a Knowledge Environment

  • Learning and development are essential activities in a knowledge-intensive community
  • Knowledge workers innovate and adapt as they explore and integrate new knowledge and experiences
  • Social, intellectual and technical capital need to be nurtured and valued across the community
  • Training: learning processes guided by an expert
  • Learning: changes in skills, knowledge and abilities which influence how people think and operate in the future
  • Development: ongoing process of growth and change which occurs as new influences are encountered
  • Competencies: areas of knowledge and skills which contribute to job-related behaviours
  • Capabilities: the range of skills and competencies which enable the individualto meet the challenges associated with performing complex work roles
Learning approaches
  • There is no single best learning approach
  • Different methods suit different purposes
  • Individuals may learn best through different approaches
  • Different forms of learning need different support approaches
  • Organisations need to provide opportunities which reflect these different needs