Sabtu, 17 November 2012

Consideration of Choosing a “Big Data” Infrastructure

What you will learn: The term "big data" is used anytime an enterprise produces a set of data containing critical business information that's too large to be processed by relational databases. Determining what data is left unstructured depends on the size and scope of the enterprise’s IT infrastructure, but it's common for businesses of all sizes to have some amount of information that could be considered big data. The struggle for IT administrators and business analysts is not only how to store this data, but how to store it in a way that allows for analysis, resulting in the identification of critical business patterns and insights.

As the IT industry continues to preach the advantages of cheap storage, businesses are keeping more data than ever, resulting in a deep investigation into which factors matter most when evaluating a big data infrastructure. Among the most important are capacity, latency, access, security and cost, all of which are covered in this article.

What's driving the big data movement?

Aside from the ability to keep more data than ever before, we have access to more types of data. These data sources include Internet transactions, social networking activity, automated sensors, mobile devices and scientific instrumentation, among others. In addition to static data points, transactions can create a certain “velocity” to this data growth. As an example, the extraordinary growth of social media is generating new transactions and records. But the availability of ever-expanding data sets doesn’t guarantee success in the search for business value.

Data is now a factor of production

Data has become a full-fledged factor of production, like capital, labor and raw materials, and it’s not just a requirement for organizations with obscure applications in special industries. Companies in all sectors are combining and comparing more data sets in an effort to lower costs, improve quality, increase productivity and create new products. For example, analyzing data supplied directly from products in the field can help improve designs. Or a company may be able to get a jump on competitors through a deeper analysis of its customers’ behavior compared with that of a growing number of available market characteristics.

Storage must evolve

Big data has outgrown its own infrastructure and it’s driving the development of storage, networking and compute systems designed to handle these specific new challenges. Software requirements ultimately drive hardware functionality and, in this case, big data analytics processes are impacting the development of data storage infrastructures. This could mean an opportunity for storage and IT infrastructure companies. As data sets continue to grow with both structured and unstructured data, and analysis of that data gets more diverse, current storage system designs will be less able to meet the needs of a big data infrastructure. Storage vendors have begun to respond with block- and file-based systems designed to accommodate many of these requirements. Here’s a listing of some of the characteristics big data storage infrastructures need to incorporate to meet the challenges presented by big data.

Capacity. “Big” often translates into petabytes of data, so big data infrastructures certainly needs to be able to scale. But they also need to scale easily, adding capacity in modules or arrays transparently to users, or at least without taking the system down. Scale-out storage is becoming a popular alternative for this use case. Scale-out’s clustered architecture features nodes of storage capacity with embedded processing power and connectivity that can grow seamlessly, avoiding the silos of storage that traditional systems can create.
Big data also means a large number of files. Managing the accumulation of metadata for file systems at this level can reduce scalability and impact performance, a situation that can be a problem for traditional NAS systems. Object-based storage architectures, on the other hand, can allow big data storage systems to expand file counts into the billions without suffering the overhead problems that traditional file systems encounter. Object-based storage systems can also scale geographically, enabling large infrastructures to be spread across multiple locations.

Latency. A big data infrastructure may also have a real-time component, especially in use cases involving Web transactions or finance. For example, tailoring Web advertising to each user’s browsing history requires real-time analytics. Storage systems must be able grow to the aforementioned proportions while maintaining performance because latency can produce “stale data.” Here, too, scale-out architectures enable the cluster of storage nodes to increase in processing power and connectivity as they grow in capacity. Object-based storage systems can parallelize data streams, further improving throughput.
Many big data environments will need to provide high IOPS performance, such as those in high-performance computing (HPC) environments. Server virtualization will drive high IOPS requirements, just as it does in traditional IT environments. To meet these challenges, solid-state storage devices can be implemented in many different formats, from a simple server-based cache to all-flash-based scalable storage systems.
Access. As companies get better at understanding the potential of big data analysis, the need to compare differing data sets will bring more people into the data sharing loop. In the quest to create business value, firms are looking at more ways to cross-reference different data objects from various platforms. Storage infrastructures that include global file systems can help address this issue, as they allow multiple users on multiple hosts to access files from many different back-end storage systems in multiple locations.
Security. Financial data, medical information and government intelligence carry their own security standards and requirements. While these may not be different from what current IT managers must accommodate, big data analytics may need to cross-reference data that may not have been co-mingled in the past, which may create some new security considerations.

Cost. “Big” can also mean expensive. And at the scale many organizations are operating their big data environments, cost containment will be an imperative. This means more efficiency “within the box,” as well as less expensive components. Storage deduplication has already entered the primary storage market and, depending on the data types involved, could bring some value for big data storage systems. The ability to reduce capacity consumption on the back end, even by a few percentage points, can provide a significant return on investment as data sets grow. Thin provisioning, snapshots and clones may also provide some efficiencies depending on the data types involved.

Many big data storage systems will include an archive component, especially for those organizations dealing with historical trending or long-term retention requirements. Tape is still the most economical storage medium from a capacity/dollar standpoint, and archive systems that support multiterabyte cartridges are becoming the de facto standard in many of these environments.
What may have the biggest impact on cost containment is the use of commodity hardware. It’s clear that big data infrastructures won’t be able to rely on the big iron enterprises have traditionally turned to. Many of the first and largest big data users have developed their own “white-box” systems that leverage a commodity-oriented, cost-saving strategy. But more storage products are now coming out in the form of software that can be installed on existing systems or common, off-the-shelf hardware. In addition, many of these companies are selling their software technologies as commodity appliances or partnering with hardware manufacturers to produce similar offerings.
Persistence. Many big data applications involve regulatory compliance that dictates data be saved for years or decades. Medical information is often saved for the life of the patient. Financial information is typically saved for seven years. But big data users are also saving data longer because it’s part of an historical record or used for time-based analysis. This requirement for longevity means storage manufacturers need to include on-going integrity checks and other long-term reliability features, as well as address the need for data-in-place upgrades.

Flexibility. Because big data storage infrastructures usually get very large, care must be taken in their design so they can grow and evolve along with the analytics component of the mission. Data migration is essentially a thing of the past in the big data world, especially since data may be in multiple locations. A big data storage infrastructure is essentially fixed once you begin to fill it, so it must be able to accommodate different use cases and data scenarios as it evolves.

Application awareness. Some of the first big data implementations involved application-specific infrastructures, such as systems developed for government projects or the white-box systems invented by large Internet services companies. Application awareness is becoming more common in mainstream storage systems as a way to improve efficiency or performance, and it’s a technology that should apply to big data environments.

Smaller users. As a business requirement, big data will trickle down to organizations that are much smaller than what some storage infrastructure marketing departments may associate with big data analytics. It’s not only for the “lunatic fringe” or oddball use cases anymore, so storage vendors playing in the big data space would do well to provide smaller configurations while focusing on the cost requirements.

BIO: Eric Slack is a senior analyst at Storage Switzerland.

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Google Wallet si Dompet Elektronik di Ponsel bikin Bayar Tinggal Tekan Layar Hp

Tanggal 26 Mei 2011 di kantor Google di New York City, bersamaan dengan Citi, MasterCard, First Data dan Sprint, mereka memberikan demo dari Google Wallet, sebuah aplikasi yang akan membuat ponsel menjadi dompet Anda. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda menekan tombol pada aplikasi untuk membayar dan menyimpan uang secara elektronik menggunakan ponsel Anda dan memanfaatkan teknologi near field communication (NFC). Kami, sedang melakukan uji lapangan Google Wallet dan berrencana untuk merilis segera.

Google Wallet merupakan bagian penting dalam upaya berkelanjutan kami untuk memperbaiki cara belanja bagi bisnis dan konsumen. Ini  ditujukan untuk membuat lebih mudah bagi pembeli untuk membayar barang yang anda inginkan, sementara pedagang memberikan lebih banyak cara untuk menawarkan kupon dan program loyalitas kepada pelanggan, serta menjembatani kesenjangan antara perdagangan online dan offline. Karena Google Wallet adalah aplikasi mobile, maka dapat  melakukan lebih dari dompet biasa. Anda akan dapat menyimpan kartu kredit Anda, penawaran, kartu loyalitas dan kartu hadiah, tapi tanpa memenuhi saku Anda. Ketika Anda menekan untuk membayar, ponsel Anda juga akan secara otomatis menebus penawaran dan mendapatkan poin loyalitas untuk Anda. Suatu hari, bahkan hal-hal seperti melewati boarding, tiket, ID dan kunci dapat disimpan di Google Wallet.

Pada awalnya, Google Wallet akan mendukung MasterCard Citi dan Kartu Prabayar Google, yang Anda dapat gunakan dengan hampir semua kartu pembayaran. Sejak awal, Anda dapat menggunakan ponsel untuk membayar dimanapun MasterCard PayPass diterima. Google Wallet juga akan sync Google Offers ( yang Anda bisa menebus melalui NFC di pedagang yang terdaftar pada program SingleTap, , atau dengan menunjukkan barcode saat Anda check out. Banyak pedagang yang sedang bekerja untuk mengintegrasikan penawaran dan program loyalitas dengan Google Wallet.
Dengan Google Wallet, kami membangun ekosistem perdagangan terbuka, dan kami berencana untuk mengembangkan API yang akan memungkinkan integrasi dengan sejumlah mitra. Pada awalnya, Google Wallet akan kompatibel dengan Nexus S 4G oleh Google, tersedia di Sprint. Seiring waktu, kami merencanakan untuk menambah dukungan untuk ponsel lebih luas lagi.
Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi situs web Google Wallet di  Artikel ini dikutip dari tulisan  Rob Behren von dan Wall Jonathan, Founding Engineers on Google Wallet

iPhone SLR Mount dari Photojojo Mengubah iPhone menjadi DSLR

Photojojo telah memperkenalkan SLR Mount untuk iPhone. Kombinasi dari casing iPhone dan mount mendukung baik lensa Nikon atau lensa Canon EOS SLR , yang juga dilengkapi dengan UV filter. Casing aluminium memiliki lubang yang memungkinkan strap kamera terpasang.

Ada dua versi dari  SLR Mount untuk iPhone, satu untuk Nikon dan satu untuk lensa Canon EOS. SLR Mount untuk iPhone ini memiliki bandrol harga $249 untuk iPhone 4 dan $190 utk iPhone 3.

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

OSI Model

The OSI Reference Model is founded on a suggestion developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The model is known as ISO OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Reference Model because it relates with connecting open systems – that is, systems that are open for communication with other systems. OSI Model is a set of protocols that try to identify and homogenize the data communication practices. The OSI Model has the support of most computer and network vendors, many big customers, and most governments, including the United States. The OSI Model is a model that illustrates how data communications should take place. It segregates the process into seven groups, called layers. Into these layers are integrated the protocol standards developed by the ISO and other standards organization, including the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), formerly known as the CCITT (Comite Consultatif Internationale de Telegraphique et Telephone). The OSI Model affirms what protocols and standards should be used at each layer. It is modular, each layer of the OSI Model functions with the one above and below it.
The short form used to memorize the layer names of the OSI Model is “All People Seem To Need Data Processing”. The lower two layers are normally put into practice with hardware and software. The remaining five layers are only implemented with software. The layered approach to network communications gives the subsequent advantages: Reduced intricacy, enhanced teaching/learning, modular engineering, accelerated advancement, interoperable technology, and standard interfaces.

The Seven Layers of the OSI Model
The seven layers of the OSI model are:
  • Application (7)
  • Presentation (6)
  • Session (5)
  • Transport (4)
  • Network (3)
  • Data Link (2)
  • Physical (1)
The easiest way to remember the layers of the OSI model is to use the handy mnemonic "All People Seem To Need Data Processing":
  • Application All (7)
  • Presentation People (6)
  • Session See (5)
  • Transport T (4)
  • Network Nee (3)
  • Data Link Dat (2)
  • Physical Processin (1)
The functions of the seven layers of the OSI model are:
Layer Seven of the OSI Model
The Application Layer of the OSI model is responsible for providing end-user services, such as file transfers, electronic messaging, e-mail, virtual terminal access, and network management. This is the layer with which the user interacts.

Layer Six of the OSI Model
The Presentation Layer of the OSI model is responsible for defining the syntax which two network hosts use to communicate. Encryption and compression should be Presentation Layer functions.

Layer Five of the OSI Model
The Session Layer of the OSI model is responsible for establishing process-to-process commnunications between networked hosts.

Layer Four of the OSI Model
The Transport Layer of the OSI model is responsible for delivering messages between networked hosts. The Transport Layer should be responsible for fragmentation and reassembly.

Layer Three of the OSI Model
The Network Layer of the OSI model is responsible for establishing paths for data transfer through the network. Routers operate at the Network Layer.

Layer Two of the OSI Model
The Data Link Layer of the OSI model is responsible for communications between adjacent network nodes. Hubs and switches operate at the Data Link Layer.

Layer One of the OSI Model
The Physical Layer of the OSI model is responsible for bit-level transmission between network nodes. The Physical Layer defines items such as: connector types, cable types, voltages, and pin-outs.

The OSI Model vs. The Real World
The most major difficulty with the OSI model is that is does not map well to the real world! The OSI was created after many of todays protocols were already in production use. These existing protocols, such as TCP/IP, were designed and built around the needs of real users with real problems to solve. The OSI model was created by academicians for academic purposes. The OSI model is a very poor standard, but it's the only well-recognized standard we have which describes networked applications. The easiest way to deal with the OSI model is to map the real-world protocols to the model, as well as they can be mapped.

Layer Name Common Protocols
7 Application SSH, telnet, FTP
6 Presentation HTTP, SMTP, SNMP
5 Session RPC, Named Pipes, NETBIOS
4 Transport TCP, UDP
3 Network IP
2 Data Link Ethernet
1 Physical Cat-5
The difficulty with this approach is that there is no general agreement as to which layer of the OSI model to map any specific protocol. You could argue forever about what OSI model layer SSH maps to. A much more accurate model of real-world networking is the TCP/IP model:

TCP/IP Model
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Internet Layer
Network Interface Layer
The most significant downside with the TCP/IP model is that if you reference it, fewer people will know what you are talking about! For a better description of why the OSI model should go the way of the dodo, disco, and DivX, read Kill the Beast: Why the Seven-Layer Model Must Die. 2 nodes.
  1. For sending a packet or in more easy words we can say that Message to the intended Node we need its Address which would be globally known(i.e IP Address).Network Layer Protocols like IP(Internet Protocol)provides that information.
  2. Network Layer also helps in finding the best path to that destination node among the various available paths over the network in order to transmit the packet(Part of Complete Message) to the final Destination.
  3. Internet consists of various small-small Networks,if we 2 nodes are communicating over the Internet then in that we have to traverse various different Networks to finally get that particular node,In that case also Network Layer helps by taking information from one network and putting it on another network.